
Community Primary School

Treleigh, Redruth, Cornwall TR16 4AY

01209 216600

Finding us on a map

Treleigh Primary School can be found in the village of Treleigh in Cornwall. You can find our school through and/or Google Maps. We provide links here to both services. To see a map of our location just click on either of the icons below and a new web page window or tab will open displaying a map.

Each map will appear in a popup window.

View a map of our location from and from there, if you wish, you can enter your post code and get directions from where you are to us.

View a map of our location from Google Maps and from there, if you wish, you can enter your post code and get directions from where you are to us.

Our school is fully accessible to all non-ambulant pupils, staff and visitors. We have access to all buildings via ramps, as well as visual impairment aids around our buildings. We also have hoist facilities and a shower within the main building.


How to find us - click here to view our location at the website.