Research has found:
- 75% of a child’s brain growth has occurred by the age of 2.
- By 22 months a child’s development can predict outcomes at the age of 26.
- 50-90% of children with persistent speech, language and communication needs go on to have reading difficulties.
- 66% of 7-14 year olds with serious behavioural problems have language impairment.
- 60% of people in young offender’s institutions have communication difficulties.
Our nature of our enquiry led curriculum places speaking and listening skills are at the core. Pupils are encouraged to listen, learn and challenge ideas of others. Talk partners are used extensively throughout the school, together with a range of planned learning opportunities that encourage pupils to explore language e.g. role play, drama activities, group discussion, hot seating.
Our pupils need lots of opportunities to speak and listen. This is especially true of pupils with special educational needs (SEND) and/or pupils with English as an additional language (EAL). Within every day teaching, we use a range of resources to support communication e.g. visuals, word banks, sentence stems, working walls.
For those children who are identified as requiring additional support with their speech and language skills we offer a range of support from Reception to Y6. In our reception classes all of the staff are trained to deliver The Nuffield Early Language Intervention programme (NELI). This is a 20 week intervention programme to help children to overcome language difficulties. For further information see below:
Speech and Language
Additionally, we have our own Speech and Language LSA in school, who works on a 1:1 basis with specific children from Reception to Y6. Mrs Murphy is a Level 3 trained Speech and Language support worker, who is able to deliver tailored provision in school every afternoon where needed.