
Community Primary School

Treleigh, Redruth, Cornwall TR16 4AY

01209 216600

Healthy Body, Healthy Mind?

Today in Wheal Kitty we launched our new topic ‘Healthy Body, Healthy Mind?’ and we had a lesson on how to take care of our teeth.

Space Odyssey

Wheal Lovely and Wheal Friendly had an amazing start to the term. To launch the new EYFS learning theme ‘What an earth?’ we had a visit from Simon at Space Odyssey. The children went inside a space planetarium dome which immersed them into outer space. The children learnt all about the different planets and the adventures of astronaut George. It was fantastic!

Geothermal Plant at United Downs

Today it was Wheal Raven’s turn to visit the geothermal plant at United Downs. They were all fascinated to learn about how we can drill down to the granite beneath Cornwall, harness the heat there and convert it to cleaner electricity. Thank you Geothermal Projects for hosting all of our upper key stage two children over the last few weeks. We have been inspired and many of us are now thinking of careers with you in the future!

Geothermal Engineering Centre at St. Day

Wheal Fortune had an excellent time at the Geothermal Engineering Centre at St. Day. They were informed and inspired about the future of renewable energy and the chance of a career locally.

Investigating Cams

Design and technology in Wheal Plenty. Investigating cams (linked to science, forces) whilst using the school’s laser cutter through the Xtool programme.

Investigating Air Resistance

Today it was Wheal Raven’s turn to investigate air resistance. They decided to change the variable of the material of the canopy in the hope that they could use the force of air resistance to slow the descent of their parachutes.

Working Scientifically

Wheal Kitty have learned how to work scientifically this week. They sorted and grouped items that use mains electricity and batteries. Then, they built simple circuits with switches, bulbs and buzzers.

Planet Earth: A force to be reckoned with

Great week of Science in Wheal Fortune! For their new Curriculum Enquiry Unit question: 'Planet Earth: A force to be reckoned with?'The children have been investigating forces including gravity, air resistance, and friction relationships. This has all been set within the context of how scientists and other professions use this knowledge to support people in need. For example, rescuing dogs trapped on La Palma in the Canary Islands after a volcanic eruption! Thrilling stuff!

Forces and Fair Testing

Upper Key Stage 2 are all currently learning about forces with a focus on fair testing. Here Wheal Plenty are investigating air resistance and gravity through various parachutes. Great afternoon!

A Visit from Chartwells

As part of our ‘Animal, Vegetable, Mineral?’ Topic, this week we had our caterers, Chartwells in to talk about trying things at least 50 times so our taste buds recognise the taste which will then tell our brain if we like / dislike that particular food item and how the smell of different foods bring back memories we have of that particular smell. We sprayed some vinegar around the room which resulted in the pupils not particularly liking the smell but loving the taste of chips. We made promises that a new food item will be tried before we return for another workshop.

Animal, Vegetable, Mineral?

As part of the school enquiry ‘Animal, Vegetable, Mineral?’ children have been learning about plant reproduction.  They dissected plants and completed drama activities to replicate pollination.

Being Scientists

Wheal Fortune have enjoyed being scientists as part of our curriculum enquiry ‘Mankind?’ Here they are measuring foot flexibility for an investigation focusing on adaptations.